Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Morning sunrise and more snow....

This is the sky that greeted us yesterday. There's an old saying, "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning; red sky at night, sailors delight." Though we are prairie savages and not sailors, we still abide by this little saying and generally, it rings true. However, this morning was quiet and the temperatures reached freezing by mid-day and I enjoyed a nice bit of snowshoeing in the afternoon.

These are a few of the snow pictures I took while taking a little different walking route. I didn't walk the shelter belt snow drifts, but a dry creek bed on the prairie instead. The snow blows over the flat prairie but collects in the low places and creeks. I appreciated the way the wind shaped the snow into varied shapes and forms.

To me, the snow almost looks like the sea with gentle waves rolling in, or on the other hand, I can imagine wind whipping desert sands into new landscapes. But it's snow.

Today, it's lightly snowing again, although mild. It's falling straight down and so it will fill in some of the crevices and smooth the edges that were once there. Another change in the scenery.


  1. I had to call my husband over to see your beautiful sky!! Wow...

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds the windblown snow on the prairie beautiful. Love your pics!

  3. OhMyGosh -- that sunrise picture is SO beautiful! Thanks for sharing the stunning beauty of your winter with those of us less fortunate ;-).

  4. Beautiful photos! I, too, love the patterns in the snow. Absolutely lovely!

  5. Island Sparrow, I'm glad you're liking my photos too. It's fun for me.

    Huskerbabe, when you live on the prairie in the middle of winter, you tend to seek out beauty. Thanks for stopping in.

    Thimbleanna, it WAS an awesome sunrise. Glad my son hailed me outdoors to see it as he went to do the chores.

    Storybook Woods, I think that the snow somehow might look like sand too. When it's really cold and blowing, it acts like sand.

    Marge, I do too. Thanks for your comment.



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