Monday, February 25, 2008

Wildflowers in winter.....

This week's feature in Wildflowers in Winter is to share wildflowers in art. My friend Debbie gave me this beautiful print of Alaskan Forget-Me-Nots by Sandra Greba, a local artist there in Alaska. Her botanicals are rich and accurate and a pleasure for winter-worn eyes. What a thrill to receive such a beautiful watercolor print and one of my favorite wildflowers to boot! I hope you'll search this site where you'll find many of Sandra Greba's watercolor wildflowers. You'll find a few birds there too.


  1. Oh, I love her artwork! I remember Debbie sharing about her before and have her in my favourites!
    Lovely Jody!

  2. Oh my oh my! That is absloutely beautiful. I'm headed to her site to see more.

  3. It is a wonderful piece!

  4. The painting is absolutely beautiful! And, I too, share your enthusiasm for Forget-Me-Nots. Very sweet little flowers. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my site. I'm very much enjoying yours! I notice you still have snow. Have you had a warm couple of days to get the mud?

    I've enjoyed the variety of your posts. Inspiring! :-) I shall return.

  5. One more little note! I visited Sandra Greba's site. What beautiful artwork!!! Thanks for providing the link. :-)

  6. how pretty!
    stopping by also to invite you to join the fun(drawings) over on my blog. hope you'll stop by.

  7. What a beautiful painting! I love it!


  8. Thanks Jody for sharing that artist with us! Her work is incredible... and I was amazed to think of Alaska as a haven of wildflowers!

    Kim :-)

  9. I just love the colors in this artwork...fits right in with my decor and style.

    Thanks for the comments on my blog today. :)

    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

  10. What a gorgeous picture! I'm going to visit her site as I love flowers and birds. Thank you for sharing this.

  11. I hope you'll all enjoy Sandra Greba's gallery of paintings. I sure have. And thank you kindly for your comments here.



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