Saturday, February 05, 2011

Simple pleasures....

 Someone once said, "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the Big Things."  In that spirit, I would like to share some of my simple pleasures, the little things, that make life Big.

Fresh citrus from my Arizona friend.
It's been a blessing to have juicy, sliced lemons to 
make hot lemonade to fight the sniffles.
Buttermilk pancakes for breakfast!
I like this recipe.

 Playing in the snow and making a snowman with Hazel Peach.
Fresh air makes everything better, doesn't it?

My knitted acrylic scrubbies.  
My Arizona friends have made these for me
and there is nothing I like better for scrubbing dishes.

A good book.  
I'm coming to the end of my adventure at 
Pilgrim's Inn by Elizabeth Goudge.

Steamy, hot oatmeal baths.
When the body aches, the bath relieves.
 I can't think of any sorrow in the world that a hot bath wouldn't help, just a little bit.
~Susan Glasee

A piping hot bowl of corn chowder.
Comfort food supreme.

Whenever I've been away from home, I appreciate more than ever the fresh, non-chlorinated water that I drink from the tap every single day.
Water is my favorite drink.

I used to think napping was weakness. 
After a long bout with a bad back, I realized the best thing I could do for my family and for myself was to take a daily nap until I was better.  My mood, my attitude, and my physical strength all improved.  We know the old adage well, "When Mama ain't happy, aint nobody happy."
I say, when Mama ain't happy, she might need a good nap.
Nap in Jesus name.

Singing a hymn.
Yesterday J. and I sang Jesus Savior Pilot Me.
We both agreed, it's good for our souls.

Old friends and new friends.
It's been a joy catching up with old friends and meeting new friends too.
Thank you for being friends with me.
Stay a while!
"Stay is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary."
~Louisa May Alcott


  1. Loved reading your list of simple pleasures...blissful! xxx

  2. Thank you for such a soothing post. I think I was much in need of it today :)

    Much love, Kim

  3. That photo of Hazel Peach and her snowman is really sweet. I have a couple of those of my son when he was small, and I treasure them. There's just something about a snowman, or snowlady, as the case may be.

    I love corn chowder, and I rarely fall asleep, but I do take an afternoon rest, these days, and let my thoughts wander where they will. Sometimes, that's enough. We all need to take time to think our own thoughts, and to just 'be' for bit, I think.

    Lovely post, as always Jody. Your blog is one of my sanctuarys in a way. It's always full of nature, family and the sweetest of little things.

  4. Your napping advice is brilliant!
    It's snowing here. Meatballs for dinner!

  5. Tina,
    I'm glad you stopped by for a bit o' bliss.

    Sometimes we don't know how badly we need something until we get it, don't you think? That "something" was a nap for me this afternoon.

    I like to spend some time letting my thoughts wander too. Time to think my own thoughts is important to me too.

    Pom Pom,
    When I realized that perhaps God might want me to nap for the sake of my family, it was easier to do. Meatballs -- YUM!


  6. Loved this post...I have been without running water for four days due to frozen pipes....water is a precious simple inexpensive source that I believe we as Americans take to much for granted is one of the most needed necessities of the temps raised above freezing and I have my water back...Praise be to God....all the things you mentioned are near and dear to my heart....thanks so much for your lovely post....blessings Shelley

  7. Love that photo of Hazel Peach. Too fun!

  8. What a lovely post! Thank you. We should all spend a moment each day thinking of the simple, small things that do make life all worthwhile.

  9. Beautiful quotes Jody! I have that one about enjoying the simple things hanging above my desk at work. Love the cute picture of HP and the snowman!

  10. I hope you get to feeling better soon. I am so glad you have some nice fresh lemons to help you feel better. That snowman has some great hair! ~Leslie

  11. What a lovely list of lovely simple things! And I love the idea of giving yourself permission to take a nap -- funny how we Americans sometimes think it's a weakness, isn't it?
    Have a blessed & healthy week,

  12. Hazel Peach! Corn Chowder! What a lovely list. I like water, too. I'm not a good napper, I fear--it's hard for me to wake back up.

    I have been reading Elizabeth Goudge's The Scent of Water--wonderful! I thought Pom-Pom had recommended it, but she informed me it was you, and yes, indeed, I have found your post on EG. The Pilgrim's Inn will be next. Thanks!


  13. Perfect Pleasures!
    Love your list is always the simple things that bring the most joy!
    I love that hymn...
    Jesus Saviour Pilot me, over life's tempestuous you have me singing it!
    Thanks for sharing!


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