Sunday, September 06, 2009


Do you spy the little weaver amongst the garden flowers? I believe this spider is a Black & Yellow Argiope. This particular morning we had a heavy dew which gave the webs a beautiful shimmer. I couldn't resist trying to capture the beauty of it.

One more....
A picture of this little garden fairy's feet. She loves to dig in the dirt like her grandma.


  1. I love those shimmering webs too - such delicate work but very strong. I've tried to wash them off windows with a power washer and they are hard to get off!

    Those little fairy feet are too cute!

  2. Love the spider webs with the dew! One of my favorite signs of fall coming. Those sweet little feet make me smile...

  3. Beautiful pictures! Love the dew drops on the spider web. My kids used to call those spiders "gaurden" spiders...a mix between gaurd and garden. :) Love the tootsies, too!

  4. Great photos and those little feet are adorable. I just set up a wood frame in my fairy garden in hope that a spider will decided to build a beautiful web in it. I thought the frame would help the spider with a structure in which to build and then give me an easier opportunity to photograph it later.

  5. BEAUTIFUL pictures Jody! I always have such a hard time taking pictures of spider webs. Love your new blog header too!

  6. Gorgeous little tootsies (do you say that in the USA when you mean a baby's toes?)I've nominated you for an award, old chum.

  7. My favorite are the Fairy Feet... loved them... the water droplets on the web is a beautiful picture. You did a good job with that ..

  8. Beautiful pictures of the webs and fairy feet. I live in a small town in the midwest and I remember seeing so many beautiful spiders when I was a kid -- they looked like jewels.

  9. That is the most precious garden fairy I have ever seen!!


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