Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Precious feet...

Grandpa's hands and Baby's feet.

"How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news..."
~Isaiah 52:7

Another frock for baby!

"Do not be anxious for your life as to what you shall eat or drink, nor for your body as to what you shall put on..."
~Matthew 6:25

(especially when Grammy is around!)


  1. That is the most beautiful picture!
    Grandpa's hard working hands gently holding his baby granddaughter's feet. So very precious!
    Whew! I'm emotional too!:)Sniff sniff ;)

    As soon as I saw this picture this partial song came to my mind immediately!

    ~Life is precious,Life is sweet,like the earth between my feet....
    ~Wes King

    The frock for baby is CUTE!!!!!


  2. Wow. Sigh.

    Don't you just get all teary-eyed seeing your hubby hold that babe?

    And you're killing me with the cuteness of those onesies!!!

  3. ohhh it is tooo cute...both the ity bity feeties and the onesie!

  4. I love the Grandpa's hands and Baby's feet photo, it's so touching. And the beautifully-embroidered baby outfits are truly precious.

  5. So very precious!
    From generation to generation....great is Thy
    Love those little feet!
    Love the sweet onsies!
    Think you are just too crafty!
    I won't tell you how long it would take me to do one of those adorable little shirts!
    Love the book you found....how did you do your search to discover it?
    (from one who is discovering books daily thanks to the library and who adores Elsa Beskow, thanks to the library and who did a search for books with the word Hazel and found a sweet nature book you might like:
    Kelly of Hazel Ridge)
    Happy Library building and Gramma lovin'!!!

  6. Aren't baby feet so precious? Love the picture and baby's new frock!

  7. Blessings for that new precious child.
    I love your journal
    I love everything you share with so much tender love and care.
    Love Jeanne

  8. Congratulations on your little darling - even her feet are pretty! And I love her name - I had an Aunt Hazel that i miss.


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