Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I just couldn't wait.....
I had to pick.
These two cucumbers could not stay on the vine another day.  Even though they would have, could have, gotten longer, I couldn't wait.  I have been waiting a long, long time already for a fresh cucumber.  It could hail tonight and then where would I be?  Cucumberless.  That's why I picked.  They are going to taste so delicious sliced with red onions and stirred into some sour cream. 

The carrots are nice too -- crisp and sweet.  I've been thinning them, a few at a time, so I get some small  fresh carrots through the summer and will save some good long ones for fall harvesting.  It's so nice that carrots grow underground where grasshoppers and hail can't kill them.

Now the beans.  My favorite way to prepare them is to boil them for about 5-10 minutes and then toss them in a skillet along with some bacon and onion and then a few sliced almonds at the end of cooking.  It's amazing stuff!
We went on a little excursion this weekend to watch our youngest son play some tournament golf.  He was trying to qualify for the USGA Amateur.  He sadly did not win, but it was a good experience for him.

It was just a short trip with a lot of walking --36 holes of golf in one day.  I'm glad all I had to do was to walk around the course.  Hubs caddied and carried the clubs and Youngest Son did the golfing.  We were all glad to collapse into our beds at home late last night.

On the way, we passed this beautiful barn huddled against the pines.  I'm a big barn lover and wherever I go, I am camera-ready to snap a picture of pretty barn or an old dilapidated barn that might come into view.

Here is a picture with the house alongside it.  It has the barn's similar structure.  I like it.

On the drive home, it was beginning to rain and I noticed a rainbow blob.  There wasn't the full rainbow that one always think of, but just a tiny hole in the sky that revealed the colors of the rainbow. 

Today there was laundry to do, sheets to wash, gardens to water, home-brewed coffee to drink.  There's no place like home.


  1. We just hosted the Junior PGA here last week. Maybe if they come back in a few years we'll see your son! Your veggies look wonderful -- all that gardening work paying off -- yipee!!!

  2. Your interest in barns made me think of an artist you shared way back...Eric Sloane
    Sorry that your son didn't win, but glad that you all enjoyed the experience!
    Beautiful pics!
    Thanks for sharing!
    "There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort...."
    ~Jane Austen

  3. Indeed there is no place like home. Love the traveling photos!! The veggies look fabulous. Enjoy...

  4. Hi Jody!
    Your son must be a super star golfer! I wish you guys would come to Denver in the fall for a few days of golf! :)
    I love barns, too. There were so many pretty barns in Washington. I'll email you one. I also love barn shaped houses. Your photos are gorgeous!
    I see you filled the Blue Bunny ice cream tub when you picked! Good girl! What flavor was it? (;
    You are SO right - there's no place like home. I ALWAYS miss my home brewed coffee. Congratulations to youngest son for his accomplishments. Does he use the fields for a driving range?

  5. Oh, your first pickings are making my tummy growl. So tasty.

    So neat about your son golfing at that level! :)

    I love, love that house along with the barn. Good for you to have your camera ready like that!

  6. Dixymiss,
    I really love fresh herbs and I have some too. Enjoy those zukes. Only one of my plants came up and I'm not sure it will produce.

    J. is 18 years old and so is past the Jr. level, but maybe one day he can play those wonderful courses around the nation.

    Yes, I like all the Eric Sloane barns and other things he does. I like the Jane Austen quote; it's so true.

    Ellen B.,
    Thank you for your nice comments about the pics.

    Pom Pom,
    J. is a good golfer. He loves it. The ice cream flavor was likely vanilla....that way I can add other toppings and etc. J. DOES use the pasture right in front of our house as a driving range.

    Glad you enjoyed the pics and I'm sorry to make you hungry with my veggies.


  7. Yay, your veggies are up! And out! Any tomatoes yet?

    I love that barn and farm house, too. What a lovely sight! Thanks for the pix!

    Glad you're home safe and sound.


  8. I bet your carrots are sweet, like the ones my grandpa would let us pull right out of the garden and wash at the faucet nearby before we munched our fresh fresh snack.


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