Wednesday, August 05, 2009

In the garden....

A little note about this picture....
I harvested the head from this cabbage plant and left the bottom 5-6 leaves according to the instruction of Dick Raymond's Joy of Gardening. He promised the plant would grow a few new heads before the growing season was done. And look here -- five new babies are sprouting. The thing I love about cabbages is that they seem to be hardier than most plants in my garden and continue growing even in the cold, late fall of the north country.


  1. It's all so beautiful! Enjoy!


  2. what a bounty! we're enjoying the same kinds - except cabbage - I'll have to plant some next year.

  3. Wow! Looks like your garden has been very successful this year. And what a great cabbage tip -- I always thought they took up an awful lot of room for just one head of cabbage!

  4. Looks like a wonderful yield. Do you make borsch? My mom's cabbage borsch would love those cabbages in it :0)

  5. That is the most beautiful cabbage I've ever seen!


  6. Plain ol' really is fun to go to the garden and see how everything's growing.

    Island Sparrow, I just love cabbage as does my whole family. We've come up with some especially good ways to eat it.

    Thimbleanna, I'm so glad I went back to that book because I *thought* there was a tip about picking cabbage and letting smaller heads grow. I'm excited to see how they grow out. Cabbages do take up the room, but they are so pretty, I think.

    Ellen B., I have never made borsch, but I ought to try.

    Left-handed Housewife,
    They are pretty cabbages, aren't they? I'm very fond of them. Such rich purple color.



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