Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Cold Lambing Season....

 Lambies enjoying some sunshine.
It's been below zero every night and part of the daytime for several weeks.
Snow and wind make it even colder.
We are about three quarters of the way done lambing 195 ewes.
There has been some loss and lots of life.

 Heidi and I played tug-of-war today.
 It felt warm at 11* with the sun shining and no wind.
Another sketch composition.
My OnlyDaughter and her hubby brought me some shells from their Florida trip.
We kept their 3 girls for a few day and that was fun. 
The shells colors are my own invention -- ink and watercolor.


  1. I bet the lambs like to snuggle up to those round bales and use them as windbreaks! :) Nice watercolor! Stay warm when you get the chance!

  2. Lisa, Yes the sheep do like to be near the bales. We leave them for the ewes to eat and the lambs hang around where the hay lays. At night, everything goes into a barn to keep out of the wind and snow. Still cold, but not so bad if you have a warm mother to snuggle next to.

  3. I wondered how lambing was going. Its so cold there. 11 my goodness.
    Your artwork is lovely.

  4. I might have experienced your cold yesterday out on snowshoeing trail. We did not last because our fingers felt like they were freezing off. Oye. You must have to have some good gear to work in the temps you are working for lambing. Love your sketch work!

  5. Lambing must be hard in such cold temperatures including the wind chill situation. I'm glad it's going well. Playing with Heidi was good exercise for you both and warmed you up. The shell sketches are lovely.

  6. Brrr. So cold for being so warm! :) Here, it is colder than usual but not super cold temperature-wise. Yet a biting, wet, wintry mix that blasted us for days. Jody, your artwork is so lovely! You are an illustrator!

  7. Thanks for the lamb photos. It gives me hope that spring is coming. Love your shell painting. You are inspiring me to draw, but I have homework. Now I know how the kids feel.

  8. Congrats on your lambs. Your shells look fabulous! You achieved a deep 3-D aspect with them. Nice job :)

  9. Goodness, it is fascinating to see your artwork. I'm well used to the beauty of your life, and of your words, but these are precious glimpses of something else! Thank you x

  10. SHEEPIES!!! Poor little things -- I hope they're managing to keep warm enough. You too! Your shell picture is beautiful Jody -- the colors are so pretty!

  11. I love your posts! It's been super cold for you, and yet you all continue to care for all your animals with wisdom, strength and lots of grit! This weekend we were doing yard work and I heard something from the neighbor behind me...wouldn't you know, there was a sheep pen with about a dozen lambies there. I thought of your little lambs. I enjoy seeing your pics and all your handiwork including the very pretty artwork!!

  12. Hi sweet Jody! Brrrrrrrr. Is lambing almost over?
    Your painting is 5 star!

  13. The lambs are so sweet, though it must be a lot of hard work. I'm glad you're finding time to sketch - a lovely composition.

  14. I wish you more life and less loss during lambing season. How well I remember those halcyon days!

  15. I hope you are ok. Ranching is a dangerous job and I worry.

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