Saturday, January 30, 2016

Woolly Woolly....

 It's shearing time again!

Here's Baa Baa in her full wool.
Walking in line to be sheared.
(She doesn't know she's a famous sheep!)
(The grandkids love her.)

Sheared and coming out the chute.

Ahhh, 10 pounds lighter!

And here's another ewe coming down the ramp from the shearers.

 White as snow, grazing on some green hay.

A couple wool trompers!
They thought it was fun to tromp the skirted wool bits in the sacks.

A crew of helpers sitting on a wool sack.
There were 280 head of sheep sheared yesterday. 
Today we paint branded them and sorted 180 ewes that will lamb in a week.
The rest will hopefully lamb in May.

On another note:  Wool sweater pants!


You asked me to remember to send a pic of the wool sweater pants.
Here's one pair on wiggly Miss Lily.  
They fit her great and they are WARM!
She wore them over her leggings when we were outdoors shearing.

On about February 6-7th we should be having lambies!
Stay tuned.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. So many wonderful things to comment on. That sheep shearing is fascinating to me. I always think of one of the favorite picture books I read to our kids. (And can't remember the title). Seeing the process the wool goes through frm shearing to skein would be a hoot for me. The family is growing and fun to see. Love those wool pants you sewed up for the kiddos.
    Thank you for the visual visit to the ranch.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post. It seems I post and repost about the same things year after year, but that's the cycle of my life. Thanks for stopping in.

  3. Not quite sure where you are. I am used to shearing much later after lambing in late spring. How do they do with the shearing prior to lambing then getting paint branded , sorted and such. Not too much stress on them while heavy?

    1. We've always sheared before lambing. It's easier for the lambies to nurse. The ewes don't seem to have any troubles with the extra working.

  4. What fun little pants. They turned out so nice. I always loved sheep shearing. Not to mention now, wish I had wool like that on hand. Even though I don't spin, I sure enjoy watching Megan spin. Do you spin? I keep thinking someday I am going to get a small hand loom. I have a dish towel a friend made me from her loom, it is at least 20 years old and still just as nice as it was when she gave it to me.
    Have a lovely Sunday. Oh, I love that picture of your sweetie pie standing there in her little pants.

    1. I hope you try your hand at spinning or weaving on the loom. Might be a fun thing to try a time or two. The pants were fun and it sure beats the hours of knitting I didn't do!

  5. Woo hoo! Looking forward to the lambs! I love the wool pants! How lovely and toasty for littles!
    I love shearing day and I'm glad I didn't miss it!
    Sending heaps of love your way, J!

  6. Woo hoo! Looking forward to the lambs! I love the wool pants! How lovely and toasty for littles!
    I love shearing day and I'm glad I didn't miss it!
    Sending heaps of love your way, J!

  7. Ha! Love the shot with wiggly Miss Lily. So so cute. Those wool pants look fabulous. That's a lot of sheep and wool. Quite the day!

  8. I love shearing time (though not as much as lambing time!). It looks like a big time was had by all (except for maybe the sheep, who look a little skinny without their coats).


  9. I am thinking that your sheep now need sweaters. *spoken from one who is always a bit chilly and wears hoodies throughout the winter months* ;)
    Nice post, Jody. Missing my blogging days today and your kind visits.

  10. Shearing looks like back breaking work! They have quite a nice little portable set up, though. The sweater pants are such a creative idea!

  11. I would love to watch a sheep-shearing again.... I only saw one once and it was mesmerizing. Maybe on YouTube ;-)

    You've reminded me of the pants you inspired me to make for my youngest grands. I better get busy or they'll be all grown up!


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