Friday, April 25, 2014

Growin' on grass....

I took my pick-up truck out to visit the sheep this morning.  I took them some alfalfa cake.  They came to me, but I think they were just as content to nibble grass, wild onions, and wild parsley.  The lambs are growing thick and stocky, and they are looking more mature all the time.  When they get this size, and even bigger, they tend to look silly nursing their mothers on their knees.  I watched the lambs nibble the tiniest weeds while their mothers ate the big pieces of cake.  Sheep have the neatest little mouths on earth.  They can nibble low weeds that would be hard for us to pull up with our fingers.  They're known for their weed-eating.  If you ever have a patch of land that needs intense  weeding, just hire a band of sheep to do it for you!


  1. I love these pictures. When I visit Oldest Daughter, I can see from her kitchen window, her neighbors sheep grazing and it always looks so peaceful.


  2. I love their little faces and funny ears. I suppose it is bittersweet to see them grow up.

  3. Wish I had a bunch of sheep just about now! Wonderful photos!

  4. How about a quick loan of a few sheep for our back yard? Those dandelions are something else.

  5. They are just lovely. It always makes me think of Green Grass of Wyoming, and how things changed once they got the sheep.
    Beautiful photos today. I do love sheep.

  6. What little lambs. Hope the snow misses you. I so love your header.

  7. They are really growing! They have beautiful faces and bless their hearts for doing that weeding.

  8. Awwww, SHEEPIES! I love sheepie pictures and these are so sweet with those big babies and their mamas. I'd love to have a sheep or two in my teeny tiny garden -- someone needs to get the weeds out before planting which is just around the corner!

  9. Great weed eaters indeed. The town I live in uses a herd of sheep to keep the city's open space in good order. I love it when the sheep are on the hill behind my house. Sometimes I run in to them when I am hiking. Good stuff.

  10. Oh Jody...they DO look silly when on their knees to suckle. The calves make me laugh as well...all too big to nurse and struggling to nurse while on their knees.

  11. Love them little sheep faces! Wish I had a flock to take care of our lawn.



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