Sunday, April 10, 2011

Seed for tomorrow....

Do you ever get to the end of the dirty clothes pile, have all the laundry done and folded, and then find a pair of jeans hanging on the hook?  (these happen to be mine)  My dear mother-in-love used to call it Seed for Tomorrow.  It might be a dirty dish that we missed in the cleaning up after supper or a a sack of trash that didn't get burned with the other garbage.   It is a negative connotation and yet a positive one too.  That "seed" will grow more of itself.....dirty laundry, dirty dishes, garbage too, but I'd rather think of Seed for Tomorrow as something good.

Sowing a seed of kindness -- a kind word spoken, a kiss on the cheek, doing a chore for somebody so they don't have to do it this time.  I think of God's Word as seed.  Seed planted in the soul-soil will surely grow and bring forth fruit.  One of my Hubby's favorite scriptures is, "You reap what you sow,"  Perhaps it is because we are agrarians that we like the analogy of sowing seed so much.  It is such a good word-picture.

Now to sow a little sugar-seed!
A sweet recipe that I made for our Sunday Breakfast this morning.
I call them Cinna-Muffs.  I wish you could see the cinnamon streusel inside.
Find the recipe here.

Sower with the Setting Sun, Van Gogh

"A sower went out to sow...."
~Matt 13:3


  1. This is a thought provoking post - I shall be considering 'seed for tomorrow' all evening now! Love the recipe too - thank you

    blessings xx

  2. Hi Jody!
    What wise words you share!
    I need to think about "a seed for tomorrow" as I plan for the week at school.

  3. Good to read your post! I use that phrase a lot myself. You reap what you sow. Hopefully I'll sow more sweet things in the future...

  4. An inspiring post --- I'd never thought of it that way before. When there are mugs and glasses surrounding my sink before I go to bed at night, I'll call them seeds for tomorrow rather than frustration!

  5. Another lovely Sunday post Jody. And those muffins look fabulous - Yum Yum!

  6. Thank you for your post. Very timely as often I see the "leftovers" or "missed" items as a discouragement. You have given me a new (and might I add better) perspective! Oh and yes I think I'll just have to try those yummy looking muffins!

  7. I have seeds like the dirty clothes or dishes you write about just about every day, but before now I never thought of them in such a positive light. Thank you, Jody!

  8. Hi Jody! I love the positive way you have of looking at things -- it's contagious - thank you!
    p.s. my word verification today is 'shine' & you do ;)

  9. What a wonderful post! I love that phrase "a seed for tomorrow." And I ALWAYS find a shirt or pair of jeans that missed the laundry boat. Now I know what to tell myself the next time it happens!

    By the way, I learned how to use our scanner and scanned the quilt pattern for you. Hope to have it in the mail to you tomorrow.

    And another by the way, old eggs work!


  10. What a great way to think of finding those jeans... Hubby always has a pair of "current" jeans, which I'll grab if they match the laundry load I'm gathering. And then he tells me they weren't dirty! I'll leave them for "seed" from now on!

    And I recently learned that Van Gogh made multiple sketches and studies for The Sower... even after he had finished the painting! Maybe that was his way of having seed for tomorrow!

  11. Those muffins look delightful!! I think my little family would love them. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I like your 'seed for tomorrow' philosophy. It's a clever and upbeat way to deal with that type of discovery... As always, thanks for posting. I just love your blog.


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