Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Blue Christmas....

I sat down this morning to have my cup of coffee in my rocking chair and read from my Bible and as I glanced up to the big window, I saw blue.  I knew that the light was just right to give everything a blue glow and so I lept from my chair to immortalize the very moment and colors.  The first snapshot is with the flash.  Do you see how wonderfully the light reflected upon the falling snow?   Light glitter!

And here, I took the same picture with the flash off.  The landscape still glows with soft blues but not as deeply as the first picture  How blessed are we to see the light in so many different colors and reflections.  I'm thinking of how I should reflect the Light of Jesus who lives in me and through me.

We have been experiencing heavy frost here on the plains and for us, that often means the snapping of branches and limbs from the few trees and the snapping of power poles and lines.  As I was at the chicken coop yesterday afternoon, I walked by the Great Elm that has been providing shade for chickens for probably 100 years and I heard a startling crack and down came a limb from atop the tree.  I've been hoping that this old guardian of the chickens will not lose his great arms, but I know all things cannot live forever.

Great Elm standing over the chicken coop and granary

Last night the power dipped, dipped and dipped again as we sat eating our supper and then all went black.  Thankfully we had a candle lit on the table.  We ate by candle light only and then the men went out to start up the tractors and the generators.  I am always so grateful for Hubs who had the good wisdom to provide us with generators to keep us up and running when the power gives out. Two years ago we were without electricity for 19 days in a row and although we did have a generator, it wasn't much.  Now we are much more prepared to sustain ourselves should it happen again. 

The weatherman is predicting snow and high winds for much of the area so we are assured of a white Christmas and more possible power outages.  White Christmases often mean no travel.  We will see how it all plays out in the couple of days for children getting home and for Christmas Eve services.

Wishing you all the Love and the Light of the World for Christmas.
His name is Emmanuel, Jesus, Lord.

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.  And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.  ~John 1:4-5


  1. Those are such lovely photos of your neck of the woods. Gorgeous. I hope all goes well for your loved ones travels...
    Merry Christmas!!

  2. So lovely, Jody! The whole thing.

    Susan :-)

  3. Simply beautiful. I love that blue glow and I really hope your tree will be okay. Here in Tx the leaves finally decided to fall off of our trees over the past couple of days which is late even for us. (I wonder at the science behind that. Hmm...)

  4. He truly is our light! I keep thinking of the they had to cope, I don't know how they did it! You have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS..come say hi :D

  5. What a great post. Merry Christmas to you, too! The photos are surreally beautiful; I'm glad you were quieted enough from the Christmas bustle to see and take note for your blog readers.

  6. Beautiful Pictures.
    We had snow this morning, and now it is raining. Calling for snow tonight and tomorrow. Youngest was wished for a white Christ mas..he may get it. :)
    Hoping yall aren't in for the long haul in the ice..that can be really bad. Merry Christmas!

  7. Jody,
    This is so beautiful though I know it's a beauty with some costs ( like losing electricity). I'm so glad you shared these photos. I've never seen such a site.

    I pray you have a lovely, heart-warmed safe Christmas.


  8. That elm is just gorgeous all covered in frost! All that snow is so pretty. We're actually having a warm and dry day in Atlanta so I was outside doing a few things.

    A generator is a good idea. We were without power for over a week a few years back during an ice storm. No fun!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  9. And the light shines in the darkness!

    Yes, yes! Your pictures are so blue and beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Happy Christmas to you!

  10. Beautiful pictures! I do love the blue hue.

  11. Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments today. You WARM my heart. As the day has progressed from these photos, our phone lines went out and the power is out again too. They fixed the phones, thus the internet post, but we are running by generator once again. Such is life in the country. The wind sure is howling and it continues to snow.

    Stay cozy and I will too!
    God's blessings and joy,

  12. NINETEEN days! Oh MY! Living on the plains can still be rather harsh it seems! I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas and that everyone made it home safely!


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