Monday, April 13, 2009

Gather ye sunshine while ye may.....

Gather Ye Rosebuds Rosebuds While Ye May
Painting by John William Waterhouse

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;

And this same flower that smiles today

Tomorrow will be dying.
~Robert Herrick

Today we are gathering sunshine while we may. We are far, far from having rosebuds, but a little dab o' sunshine will do us for now. The snow is melting down into puddles and creeks and soaking down into the sod. The birds are chirruping and the little creek beside our house is gurgling past. Most of the time, it is dry, but during very wet seasons and after strong thunderstorms, we enjoy a gurgling creek. The weather man is predicting heavy showers tomorrow and possibly more of the "S-word" as the week progresses. I wish it could stay 65 degrees for just a week.

As for now, we shall enjoy the sunshine while we may.....

...listening to the creek gurgling by

...taking a nap in the sunshine

....bridling the horses and saddling up for a short ride through the cows & calves

....feeding the bum calf

....watching hens taking dust baths in the dry, soft dirt.

...capturing that fresh-air fragrance in the clean sheets


  1. Your sheets look beautiful swinging in the breeze. And a bum calf? Poor lil' guy -- that seems like such a harsh name -- is it his fault he's a bum??? ;-)

  2. Oh happy sunshiny day! It looks like both man and animal are savoring the day!


  3. The snow we got last week is finally gone and some sunshine and 60 degree warmth is arriving later this week--I will also be hanging clothes out and soaking up the sun!
    Beautiful pictures Jody!

  4. What great photos. I love the action in the laundry shot. Hope 65 with sunshine comes to you again soon...

  5. Your spring is much like ours - here and then disappears for a bit - and then comes back.

    I'd love to be riding out on the range with you - not that I'm that great a rider but I can hang on pretty well!

  6. I love the pictures in this post, especially your chickens. And your sheets look so fresh, blowing in the wind.

    Hope you get some more sunny days soon!


  7. I bet those sheets smell amazing! I love the special very early spring smell of clothes line dried.
    Things look pretty similar here in Eastern Ontario.


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