Tuesday, June 25, 2019


I found another nest of owls early this spring
up by the Lambing Shed,
and they have since fledged the nest
and are on the ground as they are still not very good
at flying yet.
One of the parent owls was with them at first on the ridge
but when I came along, it flew to the power pole to keep watch.
The babies walk-flew to different places and I followed
one of them to the fence and got a little closer.
It's been so fun to see this owl family grow up
before our eyes.
We are officially In the Hay Field.
Hubby is mowing and I went for a few rounds with him
in the tractor this morning.  The good thing about ranching is that I
can hop in and go with him -- we get to work together each day.
The hay is very wet so it'll be a couple days before it can be raked
(turned over) and dried enough to bale up.
The hay is so thick and tall and good, Hubby called it a
Once-In-Every-15-Years Event.
It's so exciting to experience once again.
We are blessed.


  1. We are not haying but hubby and me are working in the yard in the morning hours. Congratulations on your 15 years event! Those owls and owlets are amazing to see and enjoy.

  2. How fortunate you are to be able to watch the owlets as they grow.
    Nice that the hay is super thick and tall. I hope you get lots of sunny days to help dry it out.

  3. Wow! How amazing it would be to see little owlets -- I've only seen owls once in the wild before. If you got to close to one of the babies, would the mother attack you? Are they very protective? Btw, it's wonderful to see you back again!

    1. The adult owls stay close when I am around, but they don't swoop at me at all. I'm sure if I got very close, they might. I've had hawks swoop down on me before though and that is very scary!

  4. A few years ago I remember y'all had little rain, very worrying. Now you have had rain and good crops! That's so wonderful. Your owls are pretty, but very serious-looking. How amazing to be able to follow and photograph them.
    Adam and I also spend most of our time together. It's a blessing. Not all marriages have that.

  5. Owls in the lush grass! I love these pictures.

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  7. I meant to tell you that these are Great Horned Owls. If you look closely, you can see little feather points (horns) developing on the owlets' heads. Thanks for your comments everyone!

  8. I once watched a video of a nest of owls on top of a building. Some crows were bothering them, but the parents were very non-aggressive. They just kept an eye on them. I was surprised that they weren't more aggressive. The alfalfa in our neighboring field was very lush. They just cut it and it got rained on, so they're facing that, too. My son and I heard a whippoorwill (I don't think I spelled that right, lol) the other night. It was the first I'd heard. Cool. :)

  9. You are so lucky! That is a once in a lifetime sight and you've seen it twice?

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  13. Thinking of you once again. Miss you, Jody. <3


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