Wednesday, February 06, 2019

February day...

Hello everyone!
It's been quite a while since I've blogged.  Nothing major happening, but I just wasn't feeling it.  I'm giving it a go today and will probably keep it short and sweet.

It's extremely cold here like it is for so many of you.  Today's high is 0 degrees and the weatherman is promising that we will dip down to -15 degrees tonight.  It appears that the forecast is for more of the same for the next week or so.  I'm sad about it because we will start lambing this weekend.  Such a bummer -- for us and for the lambs that are born during this cold.  The lambs and their mothers will just have to stay inside the barn until it breaks.

There is a nice, hot fire going in the fireplace and a vegetable-beef & barley soup on the stove.

What I'm drinking:
Teeccino.  A friend of mine sent me a few Teeccino tee bags to try and I really like it.  This tea could be considered a replacement for coffee.  It's what my friend did when she decided she couldn't do coffee anymore.  The teas are caffeine-free and are made of roasted chicory or dandelion root and other herbs.  The flavors are amazing if you like a "flavored coffee."  I prefer the Dark Roast and the French Roast flavors, but I also like the Chocolate and the Mocha-Mint for a change of pace.  The best prices I've found for Teeccino are on  You can buy it in tee-bag form or loose so you can make it in a regular coffee maker or French press or pour-over.

What I've been watching:
Victoria.  The series that was aired on PBS.  We watched the first two seasons on Netflix.  The third season is currently playing on PBS.  We really liked it.

What I'm sewing:
A jeans quilt.  It is a memory quilt for my niece in remembrance of her daddy (my brother).  I'm making a circle quilt like this one, using my brother's jeans.

I'm reading: 
My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok.
Asher Lev is an artist through and through.  He is a Ladover Hasid who keeps kosher, prayers three times a day and believes in the Master of the Universe.  He is willing to portray life as he sees it through his art, even if it means blasphemy.

I'm sketching:
I'm doing an online class by Alisa Burke called Sketchbook Delight.  It's one of her older classes, but full of good ideas and inspiration.  It includes the addition of a little watercolor to the sketches.  Fun.  I'm trying to keep the habit of drawing every day, even if it's a quick sketch or something that isn't finished.

I check in on many of you occasionally.  I hope you stay warm this winter and are blessed.
Sending my love to you.


  1. Hello darling dear! Oh, I wish it wasn't so cold for lambing. I hope it changes soon. I did try Teeccino and I like the taste but it doesn't like my digestive system. Boo.
    Your sketching is wonderful, Jody! I love the watercolor robin.
    I have been trying to hygge a little bit more in February. January went by so fast and now I am feeling the effects of winter a bit more, so I'm trying to do house things that bring warmth and joy.
    Sending heaps of love your way, forever friend.

  2. I love the loose watercolor birds in your sketchbook! I'm a fan of Chaim Potok, too. I've read My Name is Asher Lev and a couple of others. Enjoy your art class and anything warm during these cold days! :)

  3. You did a beautiful job on those birds. Sweet! Good to hear from you! Brrr. We were out in 17 degree weather and that really bites! Hope lambing is tolerable.

  4. I love that watercolor, so pretty. Lots of interesting things going on at your place. I was wondering if you had started lambing yet. I closed my WordPress blog. I never could figure it out very well so now I am back to just blogger. I always felt so bad you left such nice comments and I couldn't figure out how to get back to you. Its pretty cold here but not as cold as it is at your house this time of year. Blessings to you dear Jody.

  5. Your drawings are beautiful Jody! It sounds like you're keeping busy this winter -- as always. Good Luck with the lambing -- I'll be looking forward to some lambie photos! ;-D

  6. Thanks for the update on your winter life, Jody! I hope all the lambs will be okay. It is rough coming into such a cold world. Your watercolor birds are absolutely beautiful. Isn't watercolor a mysterious medium? A dab and a blotch, and then a bird :) They are very good.

  7. I love Teeccino! I recently ran out and have been making do with Celestial Seasonings Roastaroma tea - not as rich and sweet but it also works as a coffee substitute. I find either of them, unlike coffee, pleasant "black," though I love cream... Have you tried the Vanilla Nut flavor? That's my favorite.

    I'm so happy you posted enough of a blog to show a little of your sketching. The image of you working at your art every winter day in your cozy house is vicariously satisfying :-) But -- I guess you have to go out in that frigid world and care for your flock every day, too! I'm glad to know all is well.

  8. I love the water colour birdies.
    Poor little lambs, born into such a cold February. I hope they'll all be okay.

  9. It's cold where I live up in the mountains but nowhere as cold as what you are experiencing.
    I hope the lambs and their mammas will be okay.
    Thank you for sharing that link to the circle quilt - simply ingenious. I might give it a try but i don't know to sew on a sewing machine.
    Keep warm. It's amazing how much you get done Jody, very admirable.

  10. Hello Jody. It's good to hear from you. I hope all goes well with the lambing. The sheep farmers on the hill and moorland farms around where we live will be caring for the animals too. It's not so easy when the wind chill is prevalent. Although the sheep are a hardy type all need special care at lambing time and the farmers will be very busy. Sketching and quilting is a wonderful way to relax.

  11. You are all so very nice with your comments. Thank you for coming around and checking in with me despite my neglect in blogging. God bless you.

  12. It seems to me that winter can often bring out creative urges that lovely weather oddly can curtail. Love to your lambs and their mothers and I hope you will paint more and keep warm inside and out. A quilt in memory is such a dear gift. May your memories of your brother as you sew bring you comfort too.

  13. I have never heard of Teeccino. I trust you and will give it a try. After all you are the one who introduced me to the joys of the French press. I've been drinking chai to stay warm. Ope it warms up before the little lambies come.

  14. Love your pretty watercolors, Jody, and I've been enjoying Victoria as well, light and sweet and beautifully made. Have you watched The Crown? Also available on Netflix and I thought it was fantastic. Stay warm!

    1. The Crown is next on my Netflix queue.

  15. I loved Victoria! (I watched it with my daughter.) And your artwork is so cool! You're so talented, Jody!

  16. Your sketching is really, really nice, Jody! Do you think you are naturally good at drawing or is this something you have worked hard at? I am curious because it's been a desire of mine since long ago days of homeschooling to keep my own nature journal, but I am afraid I don't have enough raw talent to even begin such a project. I understand it is worthwhile in and of itself (just the process as I can only imagine how it contributes to ones love and awe of our Creator/Designer), but also know myself and know that if the drawings are woefully pitiful, it will be hard for me to continue :-). How did you begin this art journey? Perhaps I should have sent this email, but maybe this subject is something you could post about in the near future. I am sure there are others out there, like me, who would like to do some nature sketching. Forgive me if this is too much to ask! I am going to the Shenandoah National Forest in May and want to be able to capture something of what I see in a journal. Have a beautiful weekend, Jodes!

  17. Susan, What a good question. I am fairly good at sketching some things. I particularly like nature, so I gravitate toward drawing those kinds of things. I'm learning to see shapes in what I'm drawing and that helps some. The thing is, we all see things through our own eyes and I think our sketches should reflect that. Have you read Clare Walker Leslie's book "Keeping a Nature Journal"? I highly recommend it to you. Work through it and you will learn a TON. (The best $15 I've spent) Play with different pens and pencils and decide what you like. I have definite favorites. I am not a pro sketcher/painter, just someone who wants to do it. You don't need fancy supplies either.

    The "want to" makes me better as I really try to sketch something daily. I'm learning and loving it. Try and try and try.

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