Friday, November 09, 2018

Partly Cloudy....

Look at that beautiful, bright, blue sky behind the quilt. 
Now that's blue!
And it's cold too.
Four below zero this morning and a high of 21 today.
Partly Cloudy is the name of my newest quilt creation.
I found this quilt design & pattern on
Daniela graciously shares her pattern for free.
My quilt turned out to be 74x57".
I had to do a little trimming and editing along the way.
I made this quilt for my nephew & his fiancé's wedding.
We will be driving to Wichita soon to take part in the celebration.
I chose the name Partly Cloudy because even though a wedding is one of the
Brightest Days of Life
marriage comes with many cloudy skies, rain, snow, sleet, heat waves, winds
 and all of the other things we must weather as a couple.
My prayer is that they will know the comfort of being
wrapped in the arms of God through it all.
And I hope the quilt will remind them of that.
Fire and hail, snow and clouds;
            Stormy wind, fulfilling His word.
Psalm 148:8


  1. Beautiful! What a perfect name. How do you quilt? A little here and there or sit down and get it done? I think a quilt is the perfect wedding gift.

    1. I pretty much devoted some time every day in the past few weeks to get it done. I had a deadline and started later than I thought I would.

  2. I agree with Bonnie, a quilt is a lovely wedding gift.

  3. What a beautiful quilt and sentimate. Do you do the actual quilting yourself? By hand or machine? Stay warm!

    1. I quilted this with my machine using a walking foot making gentle waves across the stripes.

  4. Beautiful quilt! Cold here, too. And a finicky furnace! Stay warm!

  5. Oh, I like that quilt SO much! Its name and your meaning and the artistic accomplishment all combine to be very INSPIRING! Thank you for sharing. Your nephew and his bride will be so blessed.

  6. Thanks for your very kind comments everyone! I appreciate the quilty-love.

  7. Hi Jody, I think it is lovely. I love those colors and I love the name. Its so true about marriage.
    Blessings on your trip.

  8. Such a lovely quilt and I like the name and your explanation. Enjoy the celebration!

  9. I LOVE that quilt, and oh how I miss the amazing blue sky of the high desert! So inspiring, Jody! And I actually miss the frigid cold outdoors with the wood stove burning bright indoors! :)

  10. The quilt is gorgeous! Well done, Jody! I'm sure your nephew and his wife will treasure it. And yes, those bright sunny days are the coldest :-)

  11. Lovely quilt, Jody! Your cold weather makes me shiver. Our high this Saturday will be 67, I hope.

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