Monday, September 25, 2017

Fall nature journal pages...

Pom Pom invited me to participate in keeping a fall nature journal.  I really love doing this.  I used to keep a nature journal for years when I was homeschooling the kids.  We all kept journals and learned together.  Those journals are treasures. With this nature journal, I'm challenging myself to do it in watercolor.  I'll probably add in a little ink too, but basically, I'm wanting to practice watercolor all the way through.  

The past four days have been very cloudy, cool, and drizzly and we've even had a pouring rain a time or two.  It's been such a blessing that I had to make a cloudy, gray, fall sky for one page of my journal.  The temperatures have cooled off here -- 40s for the highs -- so the air really has a cold snap to it.  It's definitely jacket weather.  I had a nice walk along a fence line this afternoon.  The skies were watercolor grays and there was a light mist that felt refreshing as I walked. CarpenterSon drove the pick-up while I pulled steel posts out of the back and leaned them along the fence.  Behind us, Hubby and TheGolfer were pounding them in.   Fall teamwork!

I hope you're appreciating all that Fall is bringing your way.  Don't forget to stop and smell the falling leaves.  I love that smell!


  1. Oh how LOVELY! Your watercolors are really pretty! I love the stormy painting, too! Thank you for joining in!

  2. Very pretty watercolors. Love the scripture on the cloudy day. Hugs, lj

  3. You are talented with your watercolors! Love your pages!

  4. How nice to be doing the nature journal. I thought about it but I was already doing a embroidery book. We had them too when we were homeschooling too.
    How fun to be walking fence rows and with nice cool weather. We are warm for a few days, but even so its still so nice and I am so glad fall is here. Have a lovely week.

  5. Your nature journal is beautiful! Nice to be outside working when it's cooler! :)

  6. I admire you! And your excerpts here are so lovely! I remember my children putting up some resistance to keeping a nature journal, but after it became filled up with pages expressing their work and art, and chronicling their days, they became proud of those books and would bring them out to show friends, even strangers.

  7. Oh, Jody, I LOVE your watercoloring! That is so lovely. I'll enjoy watching your autumn journal come along. I also feel like painting mine. I started with colored pencils, but the watercolor painting is so much easier on the hand, and so much more interesting and variable. I'm still learning.
    I love your weather. I adore blustery, cool, overcast, gray days. We don't have them here often. Our high today? 92 degrees. Oh, deliver me from the last vestiges of summer!!!

  8. I've popped over from PomPom's blog to see and appreciate your Autumn journal. I like the water colour pictures.

  9. Love your journal! It's so fun keeping a record of nature!

  10. Your journal is wonderful! Love that you are using watercolors. They are so often the perfect medium for depicting nature!


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