Sunday, October 06, 2013

After the storm...sun!

 (a fall bouquet brought in before the storm)

 (got to catch some rays and D)

Every particular in nature, 
a leaf, a drop, a crystal, 
a moment of time
is related to the whole, 
and partakes of the perfection of the whole.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. It was so nice out there a bit ago that I brought out the summer lounge chair and soaked up some rays myself!

  2. That is quite a lot of snow! Glad you had some "D" exposure!!

  3. These pictures are so incongruous to me that I can't help but smile amazedly. that ain't Ireland!

  4. Wow! I'm glad you are soaking up a bit of D! I love the bright white of sunshine on snow!

  5. It looks very pretty though. The fall colors on the snow.
    I am so glad you had sunshine after the snowstorm.

  6. OH my gosh! I really should watch the weather really had a LOT of snow.

  7. What a pretty vase of sunshine! That is a crazy amount of snow, Jody. I hope it melts up nice for you!

  8. Soooo pretty! Is it all melted now?


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