Saturday, April 06, 2013

Maxfield Parrish skies...

A gorgeous day with beautiful picture-perfect


I've never seen this Parrish print/ad, but I love it.
It makes me anxious for gardening.
I just finished reading All New Square Foot Gardening and now I'm antsy to dig in the dirt.  It's far too early yet to put anything in the ground, but I wouldn't mind stirring up a batch of Mel's Mix garden soil and shovel it into my raised bed garden boxes.  

We had a trickle of rain last night.
Oh, the blessed smell of rain melding into the earth.
Thank you, God.


  1. It poured here. Kelly and I stood on the porch and enjoyed the scent and sound. I also read the square foot gardening and am dying to get planting. I did start some tomatoes and melons indoors. They are already up.

  2. I was in your area today and I commented on how those clouds looked.

  3. Very beautiful, Jody! I love that you've put one photo as your banner -- a puffy spring sky is such a hopeful thing. I'd never heard of Maxfield Parrish until recently, when I was reading more journals of MFK Fisher, a wonderful writer. Her husband was Dillwyn Parrish, Maxfield's cousin.

  4. My mother is a huge Maxfield Parrish fan. Although, she prefers his nudes LOL!

  5. Lovely clouds! So many are ready for a good blast of Spring...

  6. I would have never noticed that until you said so, I have a couple of old Maxfield Parrish books that he did the illustrations I never noticed the skies until you said that.
    They just look beautiful.

  7. Lovely! I just learned about keyhole gardening. Have you heard of it? Apparently one of my neighbors is doing it. I'm not sure I totally understand yet, but I do like the name! :)

  8. We're getting anxious to get in the dirt too - we'll be taking a trip to the seed store this week and hopefully won't spend too much! It's so hard to resist!

  9. Excellent skies! Wow!
    I have the gardening itch like you do. Guess what? Snow storm coming tonight. I'm hoping for a snow day!

  10. Lovely layout and juxtaposition of your skies and Parrish's art. Your post makes me say, "Isn't life grand?!"

  11. Beautiful clouds Jody, we have either dense gray or a sky full of aeroplane trails ;)
    The book looks very interesting, thanks for the link

  12. Wow! I never knew that there was a name for those kind of skies. We get clouds like that here often too. I love that last image too. What a talented artist.


  13. Maxfield Parrish is my favorite painter. I have a board dedicated to his art on Pinterest


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