Friday, November 23, 2012

The day after...

As I sit here typing at the computer, I'm chewing on the last leg of the two turkeys I made for Thanksgiving.  Oh, we had a jolly day with all the family home, minus one son and one fiance'.  There was lots of delicious food and I must say, I enjoyed the flavors and textures of this year's dinner more than any other.  I think it has to do with the fact that Hubby and I have been eating healthier -- no sugar, not much starch, and mostly eating meat & veg.  It's a great way to eat and feel good, but I admit that I really looked forward to the country dressing, the cranberries and the pumpkin pie.  I was not disappointed.  Today, we're back to the everyday food of our everyday lives.  The goodies were all packed away and sent home with the kids who will appreciate nibbling on leftovers this weekend.

Back when I was a young mom with lots of kids at home, I loved Thanksgiving Dinner mostly for the leftovers.  I made enough food so that I didn't have to cook for the next couple of days.  It was glorious to have time to do some of the things I wanted to do without having to stop and cook meals.  The family was free to graze from the fridge and I was free to sew or embroider or read.  

This weekend I will carry on the tradition of spending some time doing those same creative things.  Because I am a responsible, first-born, I have finished up my bookkeeping in the office first so I can spend the afternoon reading Little Women and drinking hot tea, thanks to the suggestion of the Left-handed Housewife.  I've wanted to read that book during the Christmas season for years and years, and never have gotten to it. Today, however, is the day that I will begin it.  I am so looking forward to it!  I also have another tea towel on the hoop and I will spend some hours stitching on it too. 

The evening sunsets have been gorgeous against the dark leafless trees.  The young owl was out again, but it was much too dark to get a good photo of him.  Tonight we hope to see a good display of Northern Lights.  We'll stay up late to see what we can see, or we might set our alarm clocks to get up in the early, early morning hours to see what's happening in the sky.  This is the time when secluded, country darkness is a good thing.

I hope you all had a happy, bellyful of Thanksgiving, and I hope you'll have a weekend of enjoying special-to-you things to do -- even if that means a nap.  A nap sounds lovely too, doesn't it?  Now I'm going to throw the dog a bone!


  1. It sounds really nice. I always do the same thing. Fix lots of extra food so I can take the day off too. I have been thinking so much of reading Little Women. I think it would be nice to read it at Christmas. I do think that passage of Marmee telling Meg about being a good wife is one of the best ever written.
    My copy sits right here by the computer. It was my Mom's and one of my earliest memories was sitting next to her while she read it and she would show me a letter and I would look for it on each page as she read. So I guess as long as I have been alive, Little Women has been in my life. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Your post was lovely reading,and while I was trying to decide what to read through the Christmas have given me the perfect answer...Little Women...a very good choice indeed ;)

  3. I agree with you about the sunsets! My husband and I are getting up early to hunt the prairie, maybe we will see the Northern Lights. Thanks for the heads up. Good luck with the book and I would love to see more of the owl towel. It looks cute. Glad all is well.

  4. So happy you had a great celebration yesterday. That sunset is gorgeous. Your name came up at our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. I'll have to email you...

  5. Love the sunset photo! Once again I am taking in nature vicariously through you ;-). Enjoy your rest!

  6. I've been taking it easy today; drove a great long distance to visit family then drove home the next day. I won't be doing that again; it's madness, especially with two dogs.
    My beverage today has been cold apple cider but there's a fire in the wood stove so all is cozy and warm.

  7. What a beautiful photo, Jody! (The sunset, I mean, not the turkey leg - haha!) Sometimes I think bare winter trees are at their most beautiful. I do love seeing your stitchery. It's so sweet, and so very well done!

  8. What a beautiful sunset, Jody. And I love your colorful owl. Our fridge is full, too, and I love it while it lasts, which isn't long enough.

  9. A very late reply--so glad you're reading Little Women, too! It really is perfect for this time of year.



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