Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pretty little things....

Catkins hanging from the Cottonwood Tree
These are the male blossoms of the Cottonwood

Close-up of the catkin
It will be full of pollen soon

Female goldfinch
I hope she tells all her friends about the sunflower seeds
she's found.

The first daffodils are in bloom

Do you see him?

The bee fairy has pollen all over himself
You can almost see his face
(click to enlarge)

Look at the lilies of the field grow;
they do not toil nor do they spin,
yet even Solomon in all his glory
did not clothe himself
like one of these.
But if God so arrays the grass of the field,
which is alive today and tomorrow
is thrown into the furnace,
will He not much more do so for you?

~Matthew 6:28-30


  1. Jody,
    Once again you have captured incredible detail and have concluded with a beautiful inspire me and all your readers.(love the bee!)
    Thank you!

  2. The bee was ready as soon as the daffodil opened, and you were ready to pay attention and notice the world. Lucky for us you were also ready to take pictures to share! We have cottonwoods in our area, but none so close by that I have ever really seen the catkins before.

  3. I'm so glad you're finally getting some spring! Although the cookie post did seem awfully cozy, I'm sure you must be ready for some flowers and birds.

  4. Love that passage. Pretty photos...
    I put up my first ever bird feeder today. I hope the birds will notice :0)

  5. Unfortunately we have cottonwoods all around but I have never noticed pink catkins before. Maybe it is because they are all so tall? I will be paying better attention now!

  6. Oh happy daffys--what a welcome sight for all God's creatures to enjoy!


  7. Gumbo Lily I love your post today. I live in Rapid CIty and don't have as many flowers as you do. Thanks for the meadowlark songs, it is rare that we hear them in the city, although we have red wing blackbirds down the street in the creek!

    I have a short story to tell you: I googled "gumbo lilly" so that I could see what the flower looked like because we are having some landscaping done at our church and the landscape designer suggested gumbo lilly. What a wonderful surprise to get your blog. I will be back often. :)

  8. Beautiful Jody!!!

    Have a wonderful day!


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