Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Organized chaos....

I am so thrilled with the new stacking storage boxes that I acquired yesterday from the UPS man.  I love that man.  He brings me everything I want!

I searched the world over for the perfect thing to store my embroidery floss in and never could come up with it until one day as I was visiting around the blogs, I came upon an embroiderer's site where she was showing off her stacked  threads and I knew I had finally found the solution to my mismanaged embroidery floss.  I ordered the Snap'n' Stack by Snapware from Amazon and I am in love with these nifty boxes.  I had been storing my embroidery floss in  sandwich sized ziplock bags and tossed them willy-nilly into a larger box.  And now, with my new purchase,  I have beautiful see-through organized chaos.  That's my style.  I don't want too much fiddling around or too much organizing, just a bit of corralling works perfect for me.   

I'm so happy!

Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up. 
~Florynce Kennedy


  1. Ha! Between the internet and that big brown truck you might never have to leave home :0)
    I love organization and this looks like the perfect system...

  2. Ellen,
    That's my goal....never leave home and having everything I need brought to me. Love that Big Brown Truck!!


  3. LOL! What a nice UPS man! Mine usually brings me nice things too.

    Everybody has to find an organizing system that works for them. Those boxes seem great! I think I've seen them at Target.


  4. Manuela,
    I *think* that Target and sometimes Kmart carries Snapware. My Target is 2 hrs. away so I ordered mine online.


  5. I love the UPS man, too--he brings me lots and lots of books, and sometimes yarn.

    Ah, don't you love a good storage system? I'm so happy when I get things stowed away just right.


  6. It looks great Ms. Gumbo! May your floss never tangle!


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