Friday, July 27, 2007

News from Lake Woebegone

If you've never heard of Lake Woebegone, a fictional small town in Minnesota on the edge of the prairie where "all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average," then you're really missing out. If you have a few minutes and would like to hear some of the "News from Lake Woebegone," click here and you'll be transported (via podcast) without leaving your comfy chair. Garrison Keillor will fill you in on all the town's news -- gardens being planted, bird watching competitions, church socials and more. Just sit back and enjoy Mr. Keillor's Country-Time Lemonade voice as he carries you away to charming, and all too familiar, small-town America.

~A Prairie Home Companion website is home to Garrison Keillor online.

1 comment:

  1. I love Garrison Keillor's books and have recently watched the film "The Prairie Home Companion"


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