Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Springtime means robins

Rain shower
Cheer-i-up, cheer-ee, cheer-i-o!
Standing in the sprinkler
with an ear to the ground
eating worm spaghetti
Mouthful of hay
of twine
and string
to build a nest
in the Ash
for me
to see
Red breast
do your best
To hatch a clutch
of turquoise eggs
Cheer-i-up, cheer-ee, cheer-i-o!

~By Gumbo Lily

Robins at
picture by Rod Planck
Labels: Poetry


  1. I'm seeing lots of creativity here Jody. Great blog.
    Love Ann

  2. Very good poem! I love the robin bird.

  3. Love the poem. Julie Bogart and Charlotte Mason would be proud.

  4. You've been tagged for 8 random facts. Come to my blog to see what I mean.

  5. Sweet! Great poem...that describes the robin to a T! I just love the robin as it signifies the arrival of Spring for me!
    Joanne, who has the windows wide open and is enjoying the song of the robin after the Spring rain!

  6. I too have known the joy of the robin
    A smile upon my face as you have givin me memory of it
    Thank You

  7. Hello, My name is Donetta, I am friend to Michelle G., She thought I would enjoy your sight. She is correct in that.

  8. You are a wonder, Miss Gumbo Lily! Great poem. I'm picturing it in your nature journal... (wink)

  9. You friends are SO encouraging. The reason I've posted this poem is first of all, since I'm a homeschooling mom, I've been doing the poetry lessons right along with my kids. The topic of the robin is easy -- one of my favorite birds. Thanks you gals!


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