It snowed again.
Just a little.
It's melted now and the earth is GREEN.
Since it snowed, I dubbed yesterday a donut day.
I fed donuts to all the ranchers here
and they were glad.
I'm sewing little circle skirts.
It's so easy.
And so fun.
The girls like them.
Sidewalk flower petal art from a few days ago.
These are tulip petal and dandelion butterflies.
We are hoping for a little patch of sunshine today
so the calvies will dry off and we can brand a small bunch.
But so far, the clouds keep dripping.
We are thankful for it.
Every particular in nature,
a leaf, a drop, a crystal,
a moment of time
is related the the whole,
and partakes of the perfection of the whole.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson