The Peeps arrived at the feed store today! After some rancher-friends stopped in and delivered a cat mid-morning, I jumped in the car and went after the baby chicks. I ordered 25 of various breeds: Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, White Rock, and American Auracana. They are ALL just so cute! I had to stop by the town-grankids' house to let them see the chicks and hold their fuzzy little bodies for a few minutes before I went home. There is just so much wonderment in a fuzz-ball chick -- the loud peep-peep, the warm, soft body, the kind eyes, the little feet, the handful-size of them -- all captivating to little hands and hearts.
After getting home I set up the chickie coop with a large box, heat lamp, feed and water and set the peeps free, one at a time, making sure to dip each beak into the water before letting them go. They seem very healthy and active which is a good sign. The neighbor grankids took their turns holding each color of chick and picking their favorites. It'll be an everyday event for them, checking on the peeps.
The new cat that came to live with us is a neutered male cat. He's a silky, black cat who is very friendly. I left him in the barn and plan to keep him in there a couple days so he knows where "home" is. That is, of course, unless he finds his way out. It is far from escape-proof for cats. So far he seems happy to be here. I hope he proves a good mouser!
We are still busy calving cows, and it's been a good spring for it. The weather has been mostly mild with no heavy rains or snows to complicate things. We're hopeful that we will get some good spring moisture yet, but for now, the dry days make calving easy. We will brand the heifers' calves this week sometime.
We moved the sheep herd to summer pasture yesterday. Oh, how I wish I had brought my camera. I suppose the sheep were strung out for a half a mile trailing behind me. Such a sight! They were happy to get to the pasture where there is less old grass and more of the things they like graze -- weeds, little spring flowers, clover starts, sweet peas, wild celery and onions. Sheep go crazy for those non-grassy plants, but they'll still eat their fair share of shortgrass. The lambs are almost as big as their mothers right now. They're doing great.
I'm enjoying the beginnings of spring on the prairie. More and more birds have migrated home; I have a few tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils up now around the yard, and the pastures are beginning to green up. I spotted the first golden peas which are a herald of spring. We don't have leaves on the trees yet, but their buds are fat and splitting out so it won't be long.
Thanks for stopping by!